Krystyna Goldberg

Physical Therapist

Krystyna is a pediatric physical therapist with 20 years of professional experience working with children. She has worked in early intervention, schools, private clinics, at Shriners Hospital, and has done work in acute adult neuro rehab. Krystyna does not specialize in any one pediatric area, but has extensive experience working with infants with a variety of issues such as torticollis, plagiocephaly, prematurity, down syndrome and congenital disorders. She also has extensive experience working with children of all ages with hypotonia, hypertonia, developmental delay, ASD, SPD, toe walking and cerebral palsy. Krystyna has been certified in NDT (neurodevelopmental therapy) for children, as well as having extensive training in orthotics and assistive medical equipment. She utilizes play based therapy and believes that physical therapy can and will be fun and is the best way to get kids on board to start to learn about their bodies and their abilities and maximize their success! Each child is unique and there is no set therapy program that works for all, so she is creative with therapy plans, engages each child uniquely and focuses on their strengths and interests when encouraging them to do hard work.


Krystyna is a Chicago area native that spent 20 years in CA for both college, grad school and the start of her family. She misses CA weather terribly but moved back to the Chicago area almost 9 years ago to be closer to extended family and loves living in Oak Park with her husband and 2 daughters. Krystyna speaks Spanish, uses it frequently for her early intervention work and loves to be able to use it while traveling, her other passion besides working with children!


Krystyna received her BA from Pomona College and her Masters in PT from UCSF.

Contact Information


(415) 235-1163


Provider Information

Krystyna is an in network provider for Blue Cross/Blue Shield. She can work with other insurance companies as an out of network provider.

Krystyna does ask that parents check with their insurance company to determine benefits/eligibility and to determine if precertification is required prior to initiating therapy. She is happy to provide your pediatrician with a copy of the therapy evaluation if you request it.


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