Hannah Park
Hannah is a licensed and registered pediatric occupational therapist who joined our team in March of 2023. Hannah has a passion for serving and supporting families and their children. She has experience in outpatient pediatrics, therapeutic day school and intensive pediatric services. She enjoyed fieldwork experiences in both outpatient pediatrics and inpatient rehabilitation throughout her graduate program at Western Michigan University in Grand Rapids, Michigan where she received her Master’s in Occupational Therapy (MOT) in 2021. Hannah discovered Occupational Therapy in Spain with her family and fell in love with the career. She has experience working with children with a variety of diagnoses, as well as children with a history of trauma, and loves to help children learn about their brain and body to support self-regulation and independence in all daily activities!
Contact Information
(708) 524-2445
Provider Information
Hannah is a Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL Provider. She is able to work with all other insurance
companies as an out of network provider.