What kind of services do we provide?
At Kids Unlimited Therapy Services, LLC we provide quality Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy for children 0 to 21 years of age.
Kids Unlimited Telehealth Overview
Where are we located?
Kids Unlimited Therapy Services, LLC is located at 820 North Blvd., Oak Park, Illinois. We are one block south of Lake Street and a half a block West of Oak Park Avenue. Please be aware that North Boulevard is a one-way street heading east.
Is there parking?
There is metered parking in front of the building. There is also a Village-owned multi-tiered parking structure one block east of Oak Park Avenue along North Boulevard (1 block east of the clinic) that is free for the first hour. The rates are very reasonable.
How do I know if my child needs Occupational, Physical or Speech Therapy?
If you have concerns about your child’s development you should first consult your pediatrician. After talking to your pediatrician, you may pursue an evaluation with an Occupational Therapist if you suspect issues with sensory regulation, fine motor, visual motor or difficulty with age-appropriate daily living skills. Contact a Physical Therapist if you have concerns about strength, mobility, posture or gross motor skills. A Speech therapist may be consulted if you have concerns regarding your child's speech sound production, use or understanding of language, social skills, stuttering, voice, or feeding.
How do I start therapy services?
If you would like to initiate services, please call Kids Unlimited directly at 708-524-2445. We will then match you with an available therapist or put you on a wait list if no openings are available. Please refer to the “Getting Started” tab for more information.
What should I expect when I come to Kids Unlimited for the first time?
Kids Unlimited Therapy Services, LLC is a very fun, play-based facility where we help your child reach their full potential. When you arrive at the clinic, please ring the doorbell at the West entrance, and a therapist will buzz you in. Please wait in the waiting room until your therapist comes to meet you. Discuss with your therapist ahead of time whether or not you should come back with your child during the evaluation. The therapist will generally give you and your child a tour of the facility and then begin the evaluation. An evaluation generally takes 1 to 2 hour-long sessions at which point the therapist will discuss with you their findings and recommendations. Generally clients are seen for therapy one time per week for 45-60 minutes, although other frequencies may be considered depending on individual needs. Duration of treatment depends on your child’s specific needs and the interventions being suggested. This should be discussed with the therapist providing treatment.
What should I tell my child before their first visit?
Children are generally apprehensive when coming to a new environment especially when they believe it is a medical facility. Please assure your child that Kids Unlimited is a fun place where they will explore what they can do and what they can do better. You can tell them we have lots of fun things to try such as trampolines, swings, monkey bars and climbing walls. You can show them pictures from our website (see the Clinic Tour). Assure them that our therapists are kind, fun-loving people that will keep them safe and help them be the best that they can be.
What kind of insurance plans do we cover? What if insurance does not pay for therapy?
Some therapists at Kids Unlimited are independent contractors that use the Kids Unlimited clinic for their own private practice. Please consult with your therapist about their individual policies and procedures, especially regarding payment. All employees at Kids Unlimited are providers for Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois. Most therapists will bill other insurance companies, but will generally be reimbursed at an out-of-network rate. It is the client’s responsibility to preauthorize services. Ultimately, payment for services is the responsibility of the child’s parents. Discuss with your therapist their policy for payment plans if insurance does not cover therapy.
What happens if I need to cancel my appointment?
Please contact our office and speak with Jo, our Patient Care Coordinator if you need to cancel your child’s appointment. She can be reached by phone or email. Discuss with your therapist their individual policies regarding cancellations. For most therapists, charges may apply if cancellation is made with less than 24 hours’ notice.
What are your Privacy Policies?
Click here to view our Privacy Policies.
Please feel free to contact Mary Kreis with any further questions or concerns.