Mary Kreis
Mary Kreis, OTR/L, is a pediatric occupational therapist and owner of Kids Unlimited Therapy Services, LLC. She has worked the last 30 years with children of all ages and diagnoses. She specializes in sensory processing, sensory regulation, emotional regulation, handwriting, praxis, visual motor and fine motor development. She has advanced certification in the administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis test (SIPT), Interactive Metronome (IM), the Wilbarger Protocol, Astronaut Training, SOS Feeding Approach, Therapeutic Listening (TL) and Integrated Listening System (iLs). She also has a strong neurodevelopmental background and is NDT trained and certified. She has lectured extensively to parents and teachers on Sensory Processing Disorders, social skills and handwriting.
Mary Kreis currently provides both individual sessions and runs a variety of programs at Kids Unlimited Therapy Services. Her programs include: How Does Your Engine Run/Zones of Regulation, Preschool Social, Superflex, Advanced Superflex and Social Thinking for Tweens/Teens.
Mary Kreis graduated with a Bachelor degrees in both Occupational Therapy and Psychology from the University of Illinois in 1986. She has practiced in a wide variety of settings including pediatric rehab, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, pediatric acute care, diagnostic clinics, schools, outpatient clinics and home health settings. She began her own private practice with Kids Unlimited Therapy Services in 1996 and joined with Mary Andree Darnall, owner of Ridgeland Therapeutics, in 2009 to form Kids Unlimited Therapy Services, LLC.
"I strive to make therapy fun! I believe when you get that 'just right moment' during therapy, when a child is fully engaged, having fun and challenged, you can feel the spark that ignites the child’s inner drive. That’s when positive change happens for everyone involved."
Contact Information
(708) 524-2445
(708) 524-2443
Provider Information
Mary Kreis is a network provider for Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois. She is able to work with all other insurances as an out of network provider.